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Type: Document
Date/Time: 2019-08-02 11:02 UTC

The newly discovered asteroid (469219) 2016 HO3 has been attracting the interest of the NEO community becauseof its peculiar orbital path. Having the same period of revolution of the Earth but a higher eccentricity and being properly phased, this object appears to circle our planet in a retrograde “quasi-satellite” orbit with period one year.

Type: Document
Date/Time: 2019-08-02 11:05 UTC

On 9 May the planet Mercury will transit the Sun as seen from Earth. Although not an asteroid event, this gives us a chance to talk about how transits have been used in the past to probe the population of small asteroids extremely close to the Sun (the so-called Vulcanoids).

Type: Document
Date/Time: 2019-07-31 14:53 UTC

During 2015-2016 ESA funded the development of two small robotic observatories, called the Test-Bed Telescopes (TBTs). The main goal is to develop and test a fully automated telescope control system to observe NEOs and space debris.

Type: Document
Date/Time: 2019-07-31 13:21 UTC

Current NEO statistics About 4% of the known NEO population is in the risk list. This value has remained roughly constant over the past years even if the discovery rate has increased.