NEOCC Riddles

NEOCC Riddles

Last update: 2020-12-04 10:00 UTC


On this page, the NEOCC provides problems (we call them 'riddles') related to the observation of NEOs, their dynamics and their characterisation. In irregular time intervals, we will be publishing a new riddle and invite you to think about it and respond before a given deadline. We will be releasing the results and the names of the people or teams that successfully solved the riddle after that deadline.

Please, send your responses before the proposed deadline to the following e-mail:, and use as subject of your e-mail: "Riddle #N - solution", where N is number of the riddle. Moreover, please let us know if you would prefer not to have your name included in the list of correct replies.

Issue: Riddle #7
Release date: 2020-12-04
Deadline: 2020-12-31
Riddle: Help Santa to save the world!


Issue: Riddle #6
Release date: 2020-11-05
Deadline: 2020-11-25
Riddle: Earth and Mars Impactor.


Issue: Riddle #5
Release date: 2020-10-05
Deadline: 2020-10-25
Riddle: Scanning the sky like a fly.


Issue: Riddle #4
Release date: 2020-09-04
Deadline: 2020-09-25
Riddle: Find an NEO!


Issue: Riddle #3
Release date: 2020-08-05
Deadline: 2020-08-25
Riddle: A visitor from outer space.


Issue: Riddle #2
Release date: 2020-06-30
Deadline: 2020-07-25
Riddle: The size of an asteroid thrown at Earth by Planet X.


Issue: Riddle #1
Release date: 2020-06-04
Deadline: 2020-06-25
Riddle: An NEO with a peculiar orbit.