Help: Risk List
The first table includes all objects for which a non-zero impact probability has been computed, considering only impacts in the next 100 years. The second table, called Special Risk List, includes all objects for which we computed the impact monitoring for more than 100 years and any other object (natural or artificial) of special interest. For these objects Torino Scale is not defined. The Risk List can also be also automatically downloaded through HTTPS APIs, see instructions in Automated Data Access. The entries of the tables are described below.
Object designation. Designation of the object as given by the Minor Planet Center. This entry can be clicked to access all the data and services available for that object at the NEOCC.
Diameter in m. Diameter of the object in meters. The asterisk indicates that the diameter has been estimated using the albedo range of 0.05 to 0.25. The value of 0.14 is used for the downloadable ASCII file, available in both TXT format and through APIs. Further information about the estimation of the diameter can be found in Definitions & Assumptions.
Impact date/time in UTC. Date and time in UTC at which the impact solution could take place. It is related to the Virtual Impactor with the highest Palermo Scale.
IP max. Impact probability for the Virtual Impactor with the highest Palermo Scale.
PS max. Highest Palermo Scale. Further information about the Palermo Scale can be found in Definitions & Assumptions.
TS. Torino Scale for the Virtual Impactor with the highest Palermo Scale. Further information about the estimation of the Torino Scale can be found in Definitions & Assumptions.
Years. Time span of all the possible impacting solutions.
IP cum. Cumulative impact probability of all impact solutions.
PS cum. Cumulative Palermo Scale of all impact solutions.
Vel. in km/s. Impact velocity at the Earth surface for the Virtual Impactor with highest Palermo Scale (assuming no atmosphere).
In list since in d. Number of consecutive days that the object has been present in the Risk List.
History data. Link to historical data table of previous computations, including impact probability and Palermo Scale values.
History plot. Link to historical data plots of previous computations, showing impact probability and Palermo Scale values.
IT. Link to the impact table of the object, containing all the Virtual Impactors found by Aegis.
LOVV. The Line of Variation (LOV) Visualizer shows the evolution of the LOV during the selected integration time span and plots the Target Plane. At each moment, the LOV Visualizer displays the orbits of all the Virtual Asteroids and the Earth.